Saturday, May 13, 2006

Rob featured in New Bay Area Film Book

Our man Rob Nilsson is one of the only truly independent filmmakers featured in this impressive, coffee table styled tome authored by Sheery Avni and Michael Sragow. Among the other filmmakers featured are Francis Ford Coppola, Michael Ritchie, and George Lucas to name a few.

Wednesday, May 3, 2006

Speaking in Pod

We wanted to let you know about an article we wrote for a very hip and heady site of "dv theorists" brainstormdv. The subject was the release of the new video enabled ipod. Look out for our own video podcasts in the coming weeks. brainstormdv roundtable

Tuesday, May 2, 2006

Citizen Cinema Podcast #1 5_06

In this episode of Citizen Cinema. Rob and Michael discuss the origins of the 9@Night film series as well as film number one of the series, "Noise".

download podcast #1 5_06

Monday, May 1, 2006


To the blog dedicated to the goings on here at Citizen Cinema, The new production entity founded by Rob Nilsson, Chikara Motomura and Michael Edo Keane.

Rob is an OG from the early days of modern Indie film. His film, Signal 7 was the first theatrically released tape to film transfer. Heat and Sunlight, which won the Sundance Grand Jury prize in 1988, was shot on beta sp and converted to black and white, years before dogma 95.

In 2005 shooting completed on a 13 year mission, the 9@NIght Film Series. Born out of workshops set in the hard edged tenderloin district of San Francisco, these 9 films weave a thematic web that will linger long after the manic pop thrill of a Holly wood blockbuster. It is a true cinema of the street.

We are currently finishing post on the last three films in the series. We'll be putting up previews trailers and more as we ramp up towards distirbution.

We are starting production on a new feature, Presque Isle. This film offeres a radical departure from the concrete and neon of the TL. In June we will be in dense forest and lakes on a journey about a journey of a man who goes home to ease the pain of dissolution. Here he discovers erotic and ancestral keys to his buried past.

We are also fundraising, building new projects, going to festivals, meeting supporters, other filmmakers, exchanging ideas, opinions, complaints and discoveries. Now with the aid of the blogosphere we will expand that process to include you, fellow citizen.